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Pre skin tag removal Brighton Jemma Jarman


Tired of unpleasant skin tags?

Effective and virtually painless skin tag

removal procedures.

A skin tag is a small, noncancerous growth of the skin that usually appears on the neck, armpits, or groin . They are very common, especially as we age. They are typically flesh-coloured or slightly darker than your skin tone, and can range in size from a few millimeters to a centimeter. Skin tags are attached to the skin by a small stalk, which is why they can appear to be dangling.


Skin tags are harmless and don't usually cause any symptoms. However, they can be irritating if they rub against clothing or jewellery. If a skin tag bothers you, Jemma can easily remove it with a simple plasma pen procedure.


Here are some of the reasons why skin tags develop:

  • Friction: Skin tags are more common in areas where skin rubs together, such as the armpits, groin, and under the breasts.

  • Pregnancy: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase your risk of developing skin tags.

  • Genetics: Skin tags can run in families.

  • Obesity: People who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop skin tags.


Jemma utilises the latest plasma pen technique, ensuring a quick and comfortable experience.

We understand skin tags can be embarrassing. Enjoy confidential consultations and discreet treatments for your peace of mind.

Say goodbye to bothersome skin tags and hello to the confidence you deserve.


Both plasma and cryotherapy are effective methods for removing skin tags, but there are some advantages to using plasma:

  • Potentially less scarring: Plasma treatment uses a precise burst of heat to target the skin tag, while cryotherapy freezes it. While both methods can heal well, some studies suggest plasma might be less likely to cause scarring, especially for delicate areas like around the eyes [consider consulting a dermatologist for up-to-date research on scarring risks].

  • Faster healing time: Plasma typically has a healing time of 3-10 days, while cryotherapy can take a bit longer, up to two weeks [This information can vary depending on the size and location of the skin tag].

  • Cost: Plasma treatment may be more expensive than cryotherapy.

  • Discomfort: Both procedures can cause some discomfort, but plasma treatment might feel slightly more intense.

  • Expertise: Plasma pen treatment requires a trained professional, while cryotherapy can sometimes be performed at home with over-the-counter freezing products (though consulting a doctor before using them is recommended).


The plasma pen, also known as a fibroblast pen, is a handheld device that harnesses the power of plasma energy. This tiny electrical arc triggers controlled micro-injuries on the skin's surface, stimulating collagen and elastin production for natural rejuvenation.

Minimally Invasive:

No cutting or injections, minimising discomfort and downtime.


Effective for:

Removing skin tags and milia

Removing genital skin tags & warts

Skin tightening and lifting

Reducing wrinkles and fine lines

Minimizing scars and stretch marks

Addressing crow's feet and lip lines


Precise and Controlled:

Targets specific areas with minimal impact on surrounding tissue.

Faster Healing: Compared to surgical procedures, healing time is generally quicker.

Long-lasting Results: Enjoy visible improvements that can last for years.

Plasma pen skin tag removal Brighton Jemma Jarman


Skin tags, also known as acrochordons, are small, soft, harmless growths that hang off the skin. They're incredibly common, especially as people get older. Here's what you should know about why they form:


  • Friction: Skin tags typically develop in areas where skin rubs against itself, creating friction. Common locations include:

    • Armpits

    • Neck

    • Eyelids

    • Groin

    • Intimate genital areas

    • Under breasts

  • Complaints of skin tags in intimate areas can be daunting to seek treatment for. However Jemma's reviews demonstrate her caring and sensitive manner when dealing with any number of sensitive complaints.

  • Successful treatment of Vaginal Skin Tags

  • Labial skin tags

  • Scrotal skin tags

  • Anal skin tags


  • Risk Factors:  While anyone can get skin tags, certain factors increase the likelihood:

    • Obesity: Extra skin folds create more areas for friction.

    • Pregnancy: Hormonal changes may play a role.

    • Diabetes: People with diabetes are more prone to developing skin tags.

    • Family History: If close relatives have skin tags, you may be more likely to develop them as well.


The treatment of skin tags using plasma technology can require more than one treatment, this protects the integrity of the skin, it is always best to treat cautiously. The size, composition and location of your skin tags influence how best to treat the complaint.

Jemma will thoroughly consult and advise you on the best treatment plan for you in accordance with the best end cosmetic result.


The exact cause of skin tags is still somewhat unknown, but a combination of friction and potential genetic predisposition seems to be the main culprit.


Important Considerations following Plasma pen skin tag removal:
  • Follow specific instructions from your practitioner.

  • Skin tag removal sites may vary, so adjust care accordingly.

  • Healing times vary slightly between individuals.


  1. Keep it dry: Avoid getting the treated area wet for the first 24-48 hours.

  2. Gentle cleansing: After the initial period, gently cleanse with mild soap and water. Pat dry.

  3. No picking: Resist the temptation to pick at scabs. Allow them to fall off naturally to prevent scarring.

  4. Sun protection: Apply SPF 30 or higher sunscreen to the treated area once healed and avoid direct sun exposure for several weeks to prevent hyperpigmentation.

  5. Avoid irritants: Hold off on makeup, harsh skincare products, saunas, and hot showers until fully healed.


  • Days 1-3: Redness, swelling, and tiny carbon crusts will form.

  • Days 5-7: Carbon crusts will flake off.

  • Weeks 1-2: Pinkish skin will be present as new skin forms.

  • Weeks 3+: New skin will gradually blend with surrounding skin tone.


The cost to remove a skin tag depends on a few factors:
  • The number of skin tags

  • Size and location of the skin tag

  • Larger skin tags or those in more sensitive areas may cost more to remove.


The price starts from £80 an exact price will be provided upon seeing the complaint.

Plasma Pen skin tag removal Brighton Jemma Jarman
Skin tag removal in Brighton Jemma Jarman


Schedule your free consultation today to discuss how a plasma pen treatment can help you to remove a skin tag & rejuvenate your skin.

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